Are Male Comedians Really Funnier?
Source(s): To investigate if people thought men were really funnier than women I reviewed the 226 Netflix Original Comedy Specials. For my sample, I retained only the ones in English (n = 163). The final sample had 127 male comedians and 36 female comedians. I then extracted the IMDB ratings for each of these 163 specials, which break ratings down by gender. R code is here . Data file is here . Highlights: • Men show statistical preference for male comedians ( t (47.9) = -2.83, p = .007), whereas women show no preference ( t (57.4) = -0.49, p = .628). • To see if men or women preferred male or female comedians, I extracted the ratings from IMDB, which shows ratings by gender. • For men, “Dave Chappelle: Sticks & Stones” (8.5) was most popular whereas “Amy Schumer: The Leather Special” (2.6) was the least. • For wo...